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Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

The Bishop Kemper School for Ministry uniquely forms priests, deacons, and lay ministers together, fostering shared team ministry that honors and values the gifts and callings of all.


Public Advocacy for Trans Rights

In the final week of the 2023 Missouri Legislative Session, two dangerous anti-trans bills have passed both houses and are on their way to the Governor's desk.


The Communion Forest Grows in DioMO

Churches throughout the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri celebrated Earth Day 2023 by planting trees in the Communion Forest.


Public Advocacy: So NO to Guns in Churches Bill

The Rev. Mary Haggerty urges us take a few minutes to call the members of the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety committee to urge them to vote NO on HB 282.


The Call to Proclaim

Bishop Deon Johnson reflects on what it means to "proclaim by word and example the Good News of God in Christ' and what difference it makes in our lives.


Dismantling Racism Training: A Reflection

Tony Corey, a member of St. Timothy's Episcopal Church and the Diocesan Dismantling Racism Commission, shares a reflection from a recent anti-racism training.


12-Step Prayer Service

Episcopal Recovery Ministries in the Diocese of Missouri has recorded a 12-Step Prayer Service to share with those dealing with substance abuse disorders.


Wear Orange for Gun Violence Awareness Sunday

The weekend of June 2-4, 2023, Episcopal Churches across the Diocese of Missouri are invited to participate in “Wear Orange Day” in honor of victims and survivors of gun violence across our country.


Aaron Rogers Named as Trinity Leadership Fellow

Aaron Rogers, who will be ordained in the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri this June, has been chosen as a 2023 Trinity Leadership Fellow.


Missouri ECW Offering 2023 Scholarship

The Episcopal Church Women in the Diocese of Missouri (ECW) supports women in furthering their education in an area that focuses on service to others by awarding a $1,000 scholarship to one woman each year.
