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2024 Task Force on Hunger Grants

The Task Force on Hunger invites food ministries affiliated with an Episcopal congregation within the Diocese of Missouri to submit an application for funding for the coming calendar year.


A Scottish Lesson on Creation Care

The Rev. Kevin McGrane reflects on a recent trip to Scotland that drove home the crisis we can create if we ignore our abuse of the environment.


Bishop Deon and House of Bishops Respond to Complaints

Bishop Deon Johnson responds to a statement regarding the accountability of bishops in The Episcopal Church.


JustFood Truck Ready to Hit the Road

The Diocese of Missouri's JustFood truck is officially launching October 22 and will soon be bringing food to areas of high poverty throughout our diocese.


Be SMART: A campaign for gun safety

In the Diocese of Missouri we are committed to work to prevent child firearm tragedies. It is our responsibility as adults to keep children safe from accessing guns. Every adult can play a role in keeping our kids and communities safe by learning how to promote responsible gun ownership.


Bishop Reflection: Leaning on Prayer

At its core the act of prayer involves seeking solace, guidance, and connection with something greater than oneself.


Leaders Lead from Broken Places

When we acknowledge our imperfections, our struggles, our shortcomings not only as individuals but as a society it allows us new opportunities to engage the problems of the world from a deeper sense of authenticity, humility, and solidarity.


Idea Toolbox: Ministry tip of the week

Episcopal Church Foundation is making it easy for us to learn new ideas for ministry at our churches.


Bishop Reflection: The gifts of joy and wonder

Bishop Deon reflects on his son's first experience with the seashore and considers how we might all be called to live that kind of joy and wonder.


2023 Convention: Nominees for Election

The Nominations Committee is pleased to announce our slate of nominations for election at the 184th Annual Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri.
