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September 6, 2023 The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson

Dear Friends in Christ,

I pray that you and those you love have all had a chance to rest and renew over the summer as the program year begins anew.

Many of us read with shock the August 30, 2023, letter from Julia Ayala Harris, President of the House of Deputies, about an incident on July 9, 2022, involving a retired bishop. That incident triggered the Episcopal Church’s disciplinary process known as Title IV. As President Ayala Harris shared, the Title IV process has resulted in a pastoral response instead of a recommendation for discipline, which she found to be “deeply disturbing.”

I am very much aware that when it comes to the Title IV process of discipline, particularly as it pertains to bishops, there is a widespread perception that bishops are treated too leniently, and complainants are often denied pastoral care, compassion, and ultimately, justice. I share the concerns of the Province VIII Women Bishops and was an early adopter and supporter of their letter to the leadership of the House of Bishops. As a member of the House of Bishops planning team, I want to assure you that we will not simply talk about this issue but will make recommendations for resolutions and policy changes to be taken up at General Convention 2024.

I want to assure you in the strongest way possible, that we in the Diocese of Missouri do not and will not tolerate abuse or harassment of any kind, especially by those called to serve Christ in the world as ordained leaders. Our diocesan disciplinary process is robust, and does not minimize or downplay reports of abuse, misconduct, or harassment among our clergy or communities of faith. We continue to review, evaluate, and strengthen the implementation of our disciplinary process in Missouri to ensure compassion, justice, and fairness. We have much work to do in forging God’s dream of Beloved Community.

At this time I ask your prayers for President Ayala Harris and her family, for those involved in the Title IV process, and for the Episcopal Church.

Yours in Christ,

+The Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson,
Eleventh Bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri

To learn more about the Title IV process please visit https://www.titleiv.org/

See Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's response to this event.

Categories: Bishop’s Blog