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June 23, 2020

As clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri, we join our new bishop, the Rt. Rev. Deon K. Johnson, in crying out for justice and peace for all of God's children.

On June 5, 2020, Bishop Johnson issued a powerful statement against racism and white supremacy in the wake of the tragic murder of George Floyd and the protests that followed across our country. Bishop Johnson called on the followers of Jesus to share God's love, to speak truth to power and to make no peace with oppression.

We the undersigned priests and deacons of the Diocese of Missouri stand with Bishop Johnson in his statement, we commend it to the faithful, and we commit ourselves to working against racism and injustice in our world and in all of the communities we serve.

With God's help, may we learn to listen to each other, to hear the cries of the oppressed and to share in Christ's love in new and life-giving ways along with our Bishop.

Signed by the following clergy of the Diocese of Missouri:

  • Kathie Adams-Shepherd
  • Tom Albinson
  • Mike Angell
  • Daniel S. Appleyard
  • Laurie Niemann Anzilotti
  • Rebecca Barger
  • Virginia Bennett
  • Edith Bird
  • Jerre Birdsong
  • Elizabeth Bowen
  • Kelly Carlson
  • Mariclea Chollet
  • Stewart Clem
  • Barbi Click
  • Christina Rich Cobb
  • Lu-Anne Conner
  • Warren Crews
  • Marshall Crossnoe
  • Teresa K.M. Danieley
  • Carrol K. Davenport
  • Emily Hillquist Davis
  • Camie Dewey
  • Michael Dunnington
  • Maria L. Evans
  • Amy Fallon
  • Renee Fenner
  • David Fly
  • Marvin Foltz
  • Pat Glenn
  • Deborah Goldfeder
  • Mary Haggerty
  • Lindy Cornelius Hardwick
  • Paula Hartsfeld
  • Jenny Hulen
  • Luke Jernagen
  • Alfred J. Jewson
  • Dayna Jewson
  • Annette Joseph
  • Jay Kanzler
  • Anne Kelsey
  • Mark Kozielec
  • Ian Lasch
  • Loren Lasch
  • Steve Lawler
  • Harry Leip
  • Helen Ludbrook
  • Earl Mahan
  • Heather Morgan McCain
  • Todd S. McDowell
  • Kevin McGrane
  • Martie Metzler
  • Paul A. Metzler
  • Michaelene Miller
  • Brooke Myers
  • Dawn-Victoria Mitchell
  • Susan K Nanny
  • Susan Naylor
  • Virginia Noel
  • Gary Nowlin
  • Jan ONeil
  • Pat Peets
  • Clive Ponnuvaj
  • Sujanna Ponnuvaj
  • James Purdy
  • Wilson Nathaniel (Than) Pyron, Jr.
  • Rebecca Ragland
  • Suzanna Raj Seelam
  • Schelly Reid-Levy
  • Whitney Rice
  • Clive E. Samson
  • Janet Schisser
  • Leslie Scoopmire
  • Beth Scriven
  • Valori Mulvey Sherer
  • Elizabeth Simpson
  • Susan Skinner
  • Marc Smith
  • Peter Speropulos
  • Jon Stratton
  • Aune Strom
  • Pamela Stuerke
  • Joe Thompson
  • Bob Towner
  • Peter Van Horne
  • Rob Voyle
  • Joseph Wallace-Williams
  • Patricia S. Williams
  • Sally S. Weaver
  • Carol Wesley
  • Doris Westfall
  • Tamsen Whistler
  • Richard Wiskus

Categories: Social Justice