Relationship-building with our companion diocese of Puerto Rico has been the priority this past year in the development of the Hispanic-Latinx Mission for the Diocese of Missouri. A visit in October of 2023 enabled your missioner to attend the annual convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Puerto Rico, representing our diocese to them while making lots of connections and discerning the varied ministries and collaborative opportunities available to us in our companion relationship.
This included finding ways to exchange learning and formation opportunities for clergy and lay people in both dioceses. For example, the Diocese of PR has a seminary which offers a Spanish immersion class to clergy and lay in our diocese. Responding to our concern about the length of time required for the previous immersion class, a new approach has been developed that enables both in-person and online participation and is tailored to the needs and abilities of the student. Watch for more information on this opportunity coming soon.
We are also currently discussing formation opportunities for clergy including arranging for field education and internship opportunities here in the Diocese of MO for their seminarians as well as continuing education courses in the Diocese of Puerto Rico for our clergy and lay leaders. The first formation exchange may happen as soon as this year.
The development of mission opportunities between our dioceses is managed by the Diocesan Developer for Youth Ministry and the Companion Diocese team, of which your missioner is a part. The priority continues to be a youth mission trip to Puerto Rico along with an exchange opportunity for youth from the Diocese of Puerto Rico to come here.
Recently, your missioner has been invited to and will attend the Latino Ministry Retreat in the Diocese of San Joaquin later this summer led by the Rev. Nelson Serrano Poveda, their Latino/Hispanic Missioner/Misionero Hispano/Latino. This conference promises practical steps we can take here in the Diocese of Missouri as we plan for a projected steep rise in Latinx population in our part of the state over the next 10 years. Upon returning from this conference, there will be a renewed effort to build a Latinx Ministry development team comprised of interested persons across the Diocese.
The Latinx Mission webpage already contains ways every church can begin to prepare to welcome our Latinx siblings in Christ including ways to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, Sept. 1 through Oct. 18. This includes menus, salsa dance instruction, and Christian formation class information.
We also encourage every Sunday presider/officiant to learn to say something in the liturgy in Spanish, i.e., the Offertory Sentence, the Peace, a blessing, as a means of extending hospitality to Latinx visitors. To that end, we provide written text and audio files to facilitate learning and practicing them.
Keeping our pace slow and intentional, we anticipate a year of growth in this diocesan ministry. All interested persons are welcome to grow with us.
Learn more about this ministry.
Learn more about the Diocese of Puerto Rico.