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July 25, 2024

Bishop Deon Johnson is introducing a new diocesan initiative to provide opportunities for support, discipleship, and collaboration between our congregations.

Companion Communities is a pairing of communities of faith within the Diocese of Missouri. All worshiping communities, including parishes, missions, and campus ministries are represented and invited to participate.

“The Diocese of Missouri embodies a variety of contexts, cultures, and communities that express the deep love of God found in Jesus Christ,” said the bishop. “From our deeply rooted rural communities to social justice-oriented urban parishes, we each offer gifts for the building up of God’s reign and opportunities for collaborative learning.”

Bishop Deon has paired communities together for a two-year journey that begins in January 2025. The Bishop is asking the congregations to make an intentional commitment to each other and a covenant as companions along the journey with Jesus:

  • To pray for each other by name each time we gather for worship.
  • To discern at least one mutually agreed outreach project that allows both communities to love and serve others outside the church through the reconciling love of Jesus.
  • To visit each other at least twice a year for worship and fellowship.
  • To share a discipleship event (bible study, book read, formation program, etc.).
  • To plan for a joint leadership retreat once a year.

The bishop says the Church is in a time of transition and change. He hopes these pairings provide a way to be grounded in the collaborative call of Jesus to be companions to one another and offer hope and resilience for the future.

Download the Companion Communities brochure to learn more about this initiative and see the community pairings:

Companion Communities brochure


Categories: Idea Toolbox