Would your parish like to go solar but you're afraid of all the risks? The Diocese of Missouri has a solar program to solve those problems.
The Diocese of Missouri is inaugurating a diocesan solar program with the Episcopal Renewable Energy Nonprofit, known as EREN, out of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin, CA.
EREN’s program supplies the expertise to assess, design, install, and maintain solar systems for parishes in the Diocese, providing the skill sets that most of us lack in determining if a solar system is right for the parish.
Many parishes in the Diocese of San Joaquin have contracted with EREN through their diocese, and EREN’s solar systems now supply 90% of a parish’s energy through renewals. Working in conjunction with local power companies, it is a grid-augmented system so a parish never needs to worry about power backup or nighttime energy. Maintenance of the system is handled by EREN, so it is a hands-free solar system for the parish.
The Diocese of Missouri is very excited about the possibility of being a church leader in renewable energy. We’re looking for a beginning cohort of at least six parishes to begin the program. To learn more, please contact the Rev. Kevin McGrane, Missioner for Creation Care, at kjpmcgrane@yahoo.com.