Called is a new initiative starting this year, gathering high school students from across the Diocese to mentor and train them for leadership in the church and the world. The input will include spiritual conversations, Bible Studies, opportunities to practice leadership, and the invitation to participate in Diocesan events like Convention and for Juniors and Seniors to be Apprentices at Camp Firebird 2025.
Important Dates:
Thursday, October 24th @ 6:30 p.m. - Online Gathering
Friday - Saturday, November 15-16 - Diocesan Convention
Thursday, January 16th @ 6:30 pm - Online Gathering
Saturday, March 1st - All- Age Poetry Meal and Gathering (in person) - Diocesan Event with poet Padraig O'Tuoma
Saturday, April 5th - All Day Retreat, in person
June 5th - Apprentice Training for Camp Firebird (Location TBD)
July 27 - August 1 - Camp Firebird
Does this sound like the right fit for you?
Applications due Friday, October 4, 2024