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July 18, 2024 Dr. Michael Booker

The 185th meeting of the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri will be held November 15-16, 2024, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Chesterfield.

According to the Canons of the Diocese of Missouri, all proposed resolutions for consideration at the Diocesan Convention must be submitted for consideration no later than 50 days prior to the opening of that convention. That due date is 5 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024.


Types of resolutions:

1. Amendments to the Constitution and Canons must be voted on in two consecutive diocesan conventions. Please submit your amendments to (please send copies to both):

2. Regular Resolutions must be sent to the Resolutions Committee for review. These resolutions typically only apply to the year immediately following Diocesan Convention.

Email is the preferred method for submission. Please send your resolutions to:

If email is not available, you can mail submissions to:

  • Resolutions to the 185th Convention
    Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
    1210 Locust St.
    St. Louis, MO 63103

3. Courtesy Resolutions are ceremonial resolutions showing appreciation for individuals and organizations, or for commemorating things such as the anniversaries of the founding of parishes. These can be submitted to the Chair of the Resolutions Committee as noted in item 2, above.


Writing the resolution

There are up to three sections in each resolution. The important element is the “Resolved,” or set of “Resolved”s. This is what describes the action of the resolution. It may be preceded by “Whereas” statements, which offer facts that support the resolution. Some resolutions end with a rationale, which offers additional explanation of the need for the resolution.


WHEREAS, the food known as pizza was brought to the United States in 1904, and the introduction of pineapple on pizza was first attested to in 1962 in Canada.

BE IT RESOLVED that this 185th Convention of the Diocese of Missouri agrees that pineapple pizza is an abomination, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Convention expresses its agreement that the food known as “Hawaiian Pizza” shall not be served in any church within the Diocese of Missouri.

Hawaiian Pizza is a disrespectful hybrid combination of cultural appropriations that denies the glory of the Almighty.


  • No Resolution may violate or attempt to change the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church.
  • No Resolution may violate the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Missouri unless it is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution and Canons.
  • Resolutions should do something. Please avoid Resolutions that merely express sentiments along the line of “puppies are nice.”


Resolution Rules

ARTICLE V.2 Amendments to Constitution

Any proposal to amend this Constitution shall be made in writing, and must first receive preliminary approval by a majority of the Voting Members of Convention, voting as one body. An approved amendment shall then be held over for consideration until the next meeting of Convention, which, if the Bishop approves the amendment, may adopt it by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Voting Members of both Orders, voting separately. If the Bishop objects to the amendment, it shall require for adoption the affirmative vote of two thirds of the Voting Members of each Order, voting separately.

CANON III.4 Consideration of Resolutions

SECTION 1. a. All proposed resolutions to amend the Constitution or Canons shall be submitted to the Chair of the Committee on Constitution and Canons at least 50 days prior to the opening date of the next meeting of Convention.

b. All other proposed resolutions shall be submitted to the Chair of the Resolutions Committee at least 50 days prior to the opening date of the next meeting of Convention.

c. Once a proposal has been submitted to the appropriate Permanent Committee of Convention, it becomes the “property” of that Committee, and may be accepted, rejected or modified as the Committee sees fit. In addition, the appropriate Permanent Committee may initiate proposed resolutions within the area of its jurisdiction.

d. At least two weeks prior to the opening date of the next meeting of Convention, draft reports from the Resolutions Committee and the Committee on Constitution and Canons, together with any resolutions to be proposed by such Committees, shall be mailed to the Members of Convention.

e. Each Permanent Committee recommending resolutions shall, during temporary recess of the Annual Meeting of Convention, have at least one open meeting for the hearing of comments from Members of Convention. After such hearing or hearings and before Convention takes up the proposed resolutions for action, the Committee shall reconvene and may withdraw or modify its proposed resolutions or propose other or additional resolutions, provided only that the same shall not depart substantially from the general subject matter of the proposals mailed to the Members before Convention.

f. Proposed resolutions not submitted according to the provisions of this Canon may be considered by the Convention only by consent of two thirds of Convention.

SEC. 2. Any resolution the implementation of which can reasonably be expected to involve material expense to the Diocese shall be accompanied by a statement of the anticipated expense. The Secretary shall refer such resolutions and statements to Diocesan Council for review before the resolutions are submitted to Members of Convention, and Diocesan Council shall provide a separate estimate of expense if it believes the estimate provided by the proponent is materially inaccurate.

SEC. 3. Resolutions other than those amending the Constitution or Canons shall be effective until the next meeting of Convention only, unless stated to extend beyond that time. Such resolutions so stated may nonetheless be amended or rescinded at any subsequent meeting of Convention. Promptly following the close of a meeting of Convention, the Diocesan Office shall provide to Diocesan Council, the Standing Committee, the President or Chair of each Convocation and all Rectors and Vicars copies of all resolutions adopted by Convention.

For additional questions about resolutions, please contact Michael Booker, Chair of the Diocesan Resolutions Committee.