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September 18, 2023

The Nominations Committee is pleased to announce our slate of nominations for election at the 184th Annual Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri.

We will be electing members to Cathedral Chapter, Diocesan Council, Disciplinary Board, and Standing Committee.

Please continue to scroll on this page to see the entire list. Download the 2023 Convention Resource Booklet to see pictures and bios for all candidates seeking election.

Nominations from the Floor

Nominations from the floor will be accepted until the nominations are officially closed during convention. If you are interested in adding your name to any list, please follow these steps:

  • Download a petition (printed copies are also available from the Rev. Tamsen Whistler).
  • Complete and sign the petition (including signatures from 5 voting members).
  • Return the form to the Rev. Tamsen Whistler at the convention.

Nominations received from the floor (Sept. 14 and Nov. 2):

  • Cathedral Chapter - (clergy) The Rev. Deacon Paula Kindrick Hartsfield - Grace Church, Jefferson City
  • Cathedral Chapter - (lay) Patricia O'Brien - Grace Church, Kirkwood
  • Standing Committee - (clergy) The Rev. Pamela Stuerke
  • Standing Committee - (clergy) The Rev. Ryan Missel


Cathedral Chapter

  • Electing 1 lay member (from inside St. Louis City/County) and 1 clergy member (from outside St. Louis City/County) for 3-year terms
    Cathedral Chapter is similar to the Vestry of a parish, but because the Cathedral is the Bishop’s seat and the “mother church” for the Diocese, its leadership is made up of clergy and lay members from throughout the Diocese as well as its own congregation. Chapter meets monthly on Zoom.

NO NOMINEES for election to Cathedral Chapter (as of the Sept. 14 deadline)

* Nominations can still be made from the floor of Convention. If you would like to submit your name, please contact the Rev. Tamsen Whistler, chair of the Nominations Committee.

Diocesan Council

  • Electing 2 lay members for 3-year terms
    The Diocesan Council does the work of the Diocesan Convention when Convention is not in session, including development of the program budget; oversight of the programs and offices funded by the budget; and oversight and interpretation of diocesan policies. Members of this committee also serve as members of COEDMO, the Corporation of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri (meets approximately every other month).

NOMINEES for election to Diocesan Council:

  • Joyce LaFontain - Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Louis
  • Joan Kerry Quinlisk - The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis
  • Ezra Smith - The Episcopal Church of St. Michael & St. George, Clayton

Disciplinary Board

  • Electing 1 clergy member and 2 lay member for 3-year terms
    The Disciplinary Board exists to help in cases where clergy have been presented with charges under the Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Canons (Title IV) of the Canons of The Episcopal Church (meets once a year and as needed).

NOMINEES for election to the Disciplinary Board:

  • The Rev. Garron Daniels - St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, Creve Coeur
  • The Rev. Shug Goodlow - Christ Episcopal Church, Rolla
  • Lisa Gould - Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis
  • Duncan McArthur - Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Louis
  • Mari Moody - The Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis

Standing Committee

  • Electing 2 clergy member and 1 lay members for 4-year terms

The Standing Committee functions as the council of advice to the Bishop. It is a visioning group for the diocese; certifies candidates for ordination in the diocese; votes on consent to the election, ordination, and consecration of bishops churchwide; and may serve as the ecclesiastical authority for the diocese in the absence of a bishop (meets monthly).

NOMINEES for election to the Standing Committee:

  • The Rev. C. Earl Mahan - Hope Episcopal Church, Town & Country
  • Edward (Ted) McNamara - Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Louis
  • The Rev. Aaron Rogers - St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Ferguson and Diocesan Ministry Developer for Young Adults
  • Machelle West - The Episcopal Church of All Saints and Ascension, Northwoods

Nominations Committee Members

We would like to thank the members of our Nominations Committee for their work in putting this slate of candidates together. Nominations from the floor of Convention can still be made, but those names will not appear in our produced convention materials. If you would like to nominate yourself for any of these positions, please contact the Rev. Tamsen Whistler.

  • The Rev. Tamsen Whistler, Chair - Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Charles
  • The Rev. Nancy Emmel Gunn - St. John's Episcopal Church, Tower Grove / St. Louis
  • The Rev. Meg Goldstein - Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Lake St. Louis
  • Lisann Backsmeyer - Trinity Episcopal Church, Hannibal
  • Vicki Myers - Grace, Episcopal Church, Jefferson City
  • Mike Fowlkes - Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion, University City

Categories: Diocesan Convention