Being a disciple, or a follower of Jesus Christ, is a lifelong journey. The Diocese of Missouri offers several ministries to help guide you on all stages of your Christian adventure, including the following:
- Children and Youth Ministry
- Campus Ministry
- Young Adult Ministry
- Evangelism and Discipleship Development (Adult)
The Rev. Erin Pickersgill, the Rev. Hope Jernagan, the Rev. Aaron Rogers, and the Rev. Canon Whitney Rice all made presentations at this year's convention. We invite you to watch their reports:
Children and Youth Ministry
The Rev. Erin Pickersgill brought her energy and passion for children & youth ministry to convention to recount initiatives begun this year and to discuss exciting plans for 2024, including the re-launch of Camp Phoenix next summer.
Read Erin's full report.
Watch a video of youth members reflecting on their experience at the Episcopal Youth Event in Baltimore in the summer of 2023:
Campus Ministry
The Rev. Hope Jernagan provided details about campus ministry happening throughout the Diocese of Missouri. Her video highlights the amazing physical renovation that took place at Rockwell House Episcopal Campus Ministry in St. Louis.
Young Adult Ministry
The Rev. Aaron Rogers has begun a new ministry this year to create new spaces for young people to share mutual concern for one another’s well being and develop a sense of shared values. Through happy hours, book discussions, meetings with the Bishop, and testimonial videos (like the one here), Aaron is helping young adults feel welcome and at home in the Diocese of Missouri.
Read Aaron's full ministry report.
Evangelism and Discipleship Development
The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice highlighted the Requiem or Renaissance program, an 18-month intentional discernment and skills-building program for congregations currently receiving diocesan financial aid. Members of 11 congregations capped off the program with a two-day retreat in July of 2023. Whitney's video is a reflection from that event.