The MO legislature is trying to pass a bill that would make it legal for people to carry hidden, loaded guns in our houses of worship, unless large specific signage is posted. HB 282 is a dangerous bill that would also allow guns on public transportation.
Please take a few minutes today to call the members of the Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety committee to urge them to vote NO on HB 282.
The list of senators is below as well as a call script. Use the script as you need it or use your own words. The important thing is that the committee members get lots of calls letting them know that we strongly oppose HB 282. (I know you are busy but it will take 15 minutes to call the whole list!)
Senate Transportation, Infrastructure, and Public Safety Committee Members:
Sen Travis Fitzwater, Chair (R) 573-751-2757
Sen Justin Brown, Vice-Chair (R) 573-751-5713
Sen Jason Bean (R) 573-751-4843
Sen Bill Eigel (R) 573-751-1141
Sen Greg Razer (D) 573-751-6607
Sen Nick Schroer (R) 573-751-1282
Sen Brian Williams (D) 573-751-4106
Suggested script:
"Hello. My name is [XXXXX] and I’m a member of [insert name of faith community] in [city/town, MO]. I’m calling to urge Senator [XXXXX] to VOTE NO on House Bill 282. This bill would force guns inside houses of worship without that community’s explicit permission to do so, and needlessly put peaceful religious communities and vulnerable populations at risk of gun violence. Religious communities should have the right to create an environment based on their values and not be forced to allow guns inside of our sacred spaces.
As a Missourian and a person of faith who would be directly impacted by this legislation, I am asking Senator (XXXX) to vote NO on HB 282. Thank you for your time. "
Thank you for taking action to keep our communities safe.