After receiving a New Ventures grant from the Diocese of Missouri last year, Calvary Episcopal Church in Columbia has begun a church/school partnership with U.S. Grant Elementary School. The school is Pre-K – grade 5, racially and economically diverse with 45% of the student body minority; 37% of the students qualify for the free lunch program. What a great time they are having as they come to know the students and staff!
To establish the partnership, the Rev. Deacon Beth Simpson met with the Columbia Public Schools Community Specialist. She then organized a steering committee which met with the school principal to find out how they could help. Twenty-one parishioners now work with the school sharing their time and treasure.
Many schools request support for the students and their families. With more than a third of the school’s students qualifying for a free lunch, Calvary has stocked an emergency pantry with underwear, socks, combs and brushes, etc., also emergency snacks. Additionally, they have provided snacks for the staff on in-service days.
The fun comes with being present at the school. Deacon Beth and several of the church group members are there on a regular basis. Deacon Janet Schisser works in the media center each week. The Rev. Joshua Huber, Linda Shillito, and Mary Paulsell help in the lunchroom a couple of days a week.
Finding volunteers for special events is an ongoing need at schools. While parents are sometimes available, single parent families and dual earner families cannot often volunteer. Calvary has provided volunteers for BINGO Day, the Biztown Junior Achievement simulation experience in Chesterfield, and the Evening of the Arts where Rev. Josh offered a poetry workshop and Mary Paulsell offered drama games.
Providing resources not regularly available at a school meets an important need. Retired science teacher Bruce Hogue presented a lesson on the eclipse. Calvary’s music director Ed Hanson has directed the choir on Thursday afternoons. The group recently funded a production by a local theater group. They provided a hydration station during Field Day. The school‘s art teacher was invited to “shop” in the Sunday School supply closet.
Describing his experience with the eclipse lesson, Bruce Hogue said, “Experiencing the excitement of 72 5th graders engaging with me to create a scale model of a total solar eclipse has reignited a spark within me. I may not have the stamina to teach full time, but I can continue to proclaim the wonders of this fragile earth, our island home, provided to us by our Creator!”
The partnership works well because Deacon Beth and other members of the group meet monthly with school faculty to learn of upcoming opportunities. A strong supporter of community partnerships, annually Columbia Public Schools celebrate Partners in Education Week with displays of student art work in local businesses and a breakfast to honor partners. This year Calvary will hang a small exhibit of student art work, and six of their group will attend the breakfast.
Church/school partnerships provide a better understanding of what is happening in schools today. Deacon Janet Schisser describes her experience: “My faith in the condition of the public school system here in Columbia, and humanity in general, has been strengthened. National and local news reports are usually discouraging. But strengthened here, as I've witnessed the creative ways (the teacher) gets books into the students’ hands, teaches them how to write poetry and how to use their devices, and how he handles discipline problems. A very caring man who loves his job and the students, who he calls "all-stars." I've watched those all-stars respond to the opportunities he provides - and that's encouraging.”
The NVCM grant was for $3,500. Calvary plans to ask the congregation for donations of snacks items, underwear and socks, as needed in the future. They are working with their faculty team to come up with an innovative idea for next year; and if they do, they will apply again.
The Diocesan Education Equity Working Group works with churches to establish and maintain school partnerships. Other churches with partnerships include St. John's in Tower Grove/St. Louis, St. Timothy’s in Creve Coeur, and the Church of St. Michael and St. George in Clayton. For help in starting a new church/school partnership, contact Mary Ann Cook (microann@outlook.com).