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May 23, 2024

The Bishop Kemper School for Ministry (BKSM) Board is seeking an Interim Dean, as Dean Don Compier is retiring effective August 1, 2024.

The Interim Dean position will be part-time and be focused on relationship-building (including representing BKSM at diocesan conventions).

The Interim Dean will work with the Board to update the strategic plan and the creation of vision and mission statements.

Additionally, the Interim Dean will work with the Board to identify the needs and wants in sponsoring dioceses that BKSM can meet.

The Interim Dean will be able to apply for the position of permanent Dean.

The Board requests that persons interested in the position send an email message with a cover letter and current resume or curriculum vitae to the Board Chair (Dcn. Donna Stanford dls751@aol.com) by June 15, 2024. The Executive Committee will vet the candidates and make a presentation to the Board on or before the July 20, 2024 Board meeting.

Learn more about the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry.