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April 21, 2023 The Rev. Deacon Loretta Go

Episcopal Recovery Ministries in the Diocese of Missouri has recorded a 12-Step Prayer Service to share with those dealing with substance abuse disorders.

This video weaves the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous into a liturgy of Scripture, prayers, and reflections. The Episcopal Recovery Ministries committee recorded this to provide a worship service of hope specifically for those who struggle with addiction.

The Episcopal Recovery Ministries committee provides information and guidance to addicts and those who love them through their website, www.ermdiocesemo.org.

Our thanks to the Rev. Sally Weaver, Michael Watson, Loretta Go, Machelle West, and everyone who serves on the ERM committee. We'd also like to thank Grace Episcopal Church in Kirkwood for the use of their facilities to record this service, and Tom Petrie for sharing his technical expertise.

Download the text of the prayer service.

Watch the prayer service:

Categories: Recovery Ministry