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This introduction is an excerpt from the Requiem or Renaissance Project Charter, by the Rev. Canon Whitney Rice

Requiem or Renaissance is an 18-month discernment and skills-building program for all congregations currently receiving diocesan financial aid. Prior to this point, there has been no accountability structure for the funds dispensed to aided congregations. This is not only a disservice to the diocesan household whose pledges help support these congregations, but it is unfair to the congregations themselves in that they receive no support or training in how best to use the financial resources we entrust to them as part of the constellation of their life and ministry.

In this program, our aided congregations will enter a discernment process that will help them determine God's call to them: to a Requiem, a holy ending of this congregation's ministry in this location at this time, or a Renaissance, a church re-plant with a new vision. As they are discerning, they will build skills to live out the call they articulate.

Any and all outcomes are on the table. We want our congregations to walk into their futures with eyes wide open and clear self-determination -- not be forced into fewer and fewer options by declining money and membership.

Both the Requiem path and the Renaissance path are intended to lead to resurrection -- but just as in the gospels, the resurrected Body of Christ will probably look unfamiliar and different from what we used to know and what we expected to see.

Requiem or Renaissance Build & Launch Guide

The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice offers a guide to congregations and dioceses who would like to engage in a Requiem or Renaissance program. This guide provides theological background and steps to build and launch your own program, based on the ministry that began in the Diocese of Missouri.

Download the Build & Launch Guide

Watch our welcome video:

Watch a program update video (created for 2022 Diocesan Convention):

Watch a video created following a Requiem or Renaissance Retreat in July 2023 (created for 2023 Diocesan Convention):

Project Charter

Participating Congregations and Meeting Dates

We invited 18 congregations in our diocese to participate in our first Requiem or Renaissance program. These congregations met in two separate groups in 2022-2023. 

We hope to announce a new program soon for those unable to attend the original series and other congregations who may be interested. Please stay tuned for news in our diocesan communications!